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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Eureka! Benedicts first bathing scene

Mommy took over as the photographer and went snapping away while his Grandma was bathing him. As a natural reaction towards 'paparazzi', he turned his head towards the camera lens wondering what Mommy was going to do with those pictures.

Anyway, he was displacing water like Archimedes saying "Eureka!" while enjoying a warm bath at 32 degrees Celcius. "Ok, ok! You got me! I'm a male child! Is that all you wanted to know? (I thought you already knew?!!!)".

As editor of this blog, I have to figure out which photo Mommy wanted published. Anyway, by the looks of it, the 6MP compact digital camera and her skills worked out fine.

This is to tell everyone that I take my bath at least once a day! I keep myself clean (except when I vomit out some of the milk when you adults forget to allow me to burp!!! And of course when I soil myself, not on purpose, of course!). Hey, somebody tell me where is the nice looking bathtub Christa used earlier? How come I get to use a basin used for washing clothes?

Links on photography:-
Digital Camera Reviews and News

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